Too Many Blessings - Psalm 77
“Count your blessings name them one by one; Count your many blessings see what God hath done!”
Whenever I hear that old hymn my mind races back to my first ministry in Novelty, MO. I can still hear Jim and Beth leading the singing. That was one song we sang often. Why? Because it is a great reminder that we should never forget the wonderful things that God “hath” done for us.

Today, we sing a song called “10,000 Reasons.” The purpose of this modern hymn is the same. Remember, the reasons to praise God are too numerous to count.
Reminding singers to think back about the goodness of God is nothing new. Long before we sang 10,000 Reasons we sang Count Your Blessings. But long before we sang Count Your Blessings the people of God were singing Psalm 77.
“I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds. Your ways, God are holy. What god is as great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.” (Psalm 77:11-14 NIV)
Do you know when this Psalm was written? It was written during a time of crisis in the life of Asaph. But the crisis was bearable because he could remember the greatness of God. He had hope in a hopeless situation because he had his hope in God.
We are now in the midst of the Christmas Season. This can be a tough time for people. Sadness over lost family members, struggles with finances and stress of the season can seem overwhelming. Slow down. Think about God and his faithfulness to us in sending Jesus, the real reason for this time of year. And as you remember your great God, find hope.
I would encourage you to count your blessings. Think about the goodness of God and you will find more that 10,000 reasons to bless him. As you do, may you find time to fall on your knees in worship as the writer of Psalm 77.