Reaching the Next Generation
Here at LCC, we have a passion for reaching our youth!
During the school months, there is youth group for both high schoolers and those still in junior high. Whether it's a rousing game of "Romans and Christians" or a time of heartfelt Bible study, you can always count on a good time. Many students have been baptized into Christ because of this ministry! The high school youth (Launch) meets on Sunday nights from 6:00 - 7:30 PM, while junior high students (Discover) meet on Wednesdays from 6:15 - 7:30 PM. Everyone is welcome to attend!
Each summer, we put on Vacation Bible School (VBS), a week-long program where kids can show up to hear Bible stories, play some games, make cool crafts, and be entertained by the quirky main character. Each year has more kids than the last, so come out and see the excitement at VBS! Check out the video to the left to see a compilation of pictures from 2015's Vacation Bible School.
We have worked with our local school system to organize a ministry called Impact 180. On the third Sunday of each month, we turn the gym at school into a place where junior high and high school students can come for the fastest hour of the month. We play fun and messy games, listen to live music, and share from the Bible. The students love it and grow in their faith.