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Andrew was one of the guys.

You know, he was one of the two guys with John the Baptist in John 1:35.

They were following John when Jesus appeared. John declared that Jesus was the Lamb of God. So, they started following Jesus. When Jesus asked them what they wanted, they asked him where he was staying. Jesus replied, “Come and see.”

You know what Andrew did? He followed.

A little later in the story we see Jesus talking to Philip. He said to Philip, “Follow me.”

You know what Philip did? He followed.

Then Philip went to Nathanael and told him about Jesus. He challenged Nathanael to “come and see.”

You know what Nathanael did? He followed.

The story continues. Jesus is still saying, “Follow me.” His followers are still shouting, “Come and see!” The question is, what will you do?

My challenge to you: Come and read the book of John with me. Come and see Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Come and follow.

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